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Searching for datasets

Searching for data is simple: just enter a search term within the search bar and hit enter. For help getting started, there are a few example queries for conditions such as Asthma, COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, Influenza, Malaria, and Tuberculosis.
NIAID Data Ecosystem homepage.

How to construct a search query#

For the most basic search, just enter a word, like malaria.

Searching for the term malaria.
Searching for a phrase can be more complex. For example, `malaria vaccine`.

Default phrase searching: both words are found#

Searching for the term malaria vaccine.
  • Entering malaria vaccine will look for both of those words.

Exact phrase searching#

Searching for the term "malaria vaccine" (between quotes).
  • To search for the exact phrase, insert quotation marks on either side, like "malaria vaccine".

Finding both words#

Searching for the term malaria AND vaccine.
  • To search for both of those words but not necessarily next to each other, connect them with the word AND (capitalized): malaria AND vaccine.

Finding either words#

Searching for the term malaria OR vaccine.
  • The same syntax can be used to search for either of the words using the word OR (capitalized): malaria OR vaccine

Finding results without a word#

Searching for NOT malaria AND vaccine.
  • To find, for example, datasets surrounding vaccines that are any pathogen other than malaria, use the NOT keyword. NOT malaria AND vaccine will search for any record that contains the word vaccine and not malaria, and malaria AND NOT vaccine will look for all malaria datasets that don't mention vaccines.


  • Separating terms by a space will look for both of those words, not either.
  • Add quotations around the term to look for the exact phrase.
  • Connect words by OR to look for either of those words.

Even more complex queries#

The AND, OR, and NOT terms can be used in any combination. To group terms together, add parentheses around the terms. For instance, ("COVID-19" OR "SARS-CoV-2") AND transmissibility will look for any records which have either COVID-19 and transmissibility anywhere in the metadata record, or SARS-CoV-2 and transmissibility. Add as many levels as needed to construct even more complicated queries.

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